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  • Writer's pictureSushmita Dash

When did I stop?

A few weeks ago I went to Kalabhoomi with one of my friends for our documentary assignment. We were analysing the place and noting down everything required for our documentary. As we were pacing forward my friend called out my name, I looked back, and it was as if my dreams were coming true. A pottery making station! I jumped in excitement like a little kid. After enquiring we got to know that we can also make one and a Terracotta artist we had met previously will assist us in the making.

I couldn't believe I was actually about to do it. I remember when I was in school and in every summer vacation we were given the opportunity to go to summer camps to learn something, one of them was pottery. My parents never had any interest in sending me there and I always regretted not going there.

So, this was something I always had in the back of my mind and I was finally able to do it.

I got to learn the basics of the pottery but soon the motor broke so we stepped back. As I was standing there, looking at the spinning wheel, it's as if my mind was fading back to the good old days. The days when there were no limits to my dreams, the days I was making bucket lists and the days when I thought nothing was impossible.

The wheel stopped spinning; I was back to the present. The present where I am no longer dreaming and making bucket lists. Funny, how a wheel had the power to bring back deep buried memories and replay them in my mind.

"When did I stop?", I asked myself. Was it when people laughed at my dreams or was it when I was old enough to know not every dream is meant to be lived?

It's what all of us do. At some point we stopped thinking about those bucket lists because we are so indulged in a life that demands us to only invest our time in activities that would in return give us some monetary benefit. We are least bothered about things that won't really help us with our "careers" or "future plans". Everything we do is to please the people and the society. What about our inner self? We repress it's desires. We repress it so much and for so long that we even forget they ever existed.

But it doesn't have to be like this! You are still allowed to dream the impossible and do things that might seem silly and questionable to others. I guess this blog is a sign to release that inner child and let it be free. As for myself, I have pledged to remake the bucket list and do things my heart desire every once in a while.

I hope you do the same, I hope you never stop dreaming, and I hope you never have to ask yourself, "when did I stop?".


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