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  • Writer's pictureSushmita Dash

Two Months

The primary goal for all the students at SCoRe for our internships was to get a PPO. However, I always kept low expectations regarding it. I knew if I focused too much on the outcome, the process would be hampered. I went with a clear head with just one thought in mind that I would give my 100%

A few things I was looking forward to were dealing with content, facing clients, and making media calls. However, as an intern, I was told I couldn't do media calls and couldn't face clients. Initially, I only had to do documentation. I had to keep working on making media lists and updating massive amounts of data on Excel sheets. Things were slow and monotonous. I was constantly worried that my classmates had far more diverse experiences, whereas I was in the same loop.

However, I always took the work I was assigned seriously and handed over my tasks on time. I also kept asking for more work without hesitation and often reached out to my team to ask questions. Eventually, I was assigned more diverse and challenging work. I was even part of a crisis. I had to make a consolidated coverage list of three different types of news that were covered; one was the quote by a politician on my client and its partner, the statement released by the partner, and the statement by my client. It was a long and stressful day, but I had the most fun.

One of the highlights of my internship was getting the opportunity to attend a client event. I was working at the registration desk and interacted with many CEOs from different backgrounds like consultancy, financial services, and the automotive industry. It was one of the best experiences. This event also helped me a lot to interact with my team. Before the event started, I went for lunch with my Group Head, Account Manager and Reporting Manager. My Group Head kept asking when my course was going over and I took that as a sign of getting a PPO. Still, I kept my expectations low.

In the last few weeks, I finally got to work on content as I drafted press releases. The responsibilities increased, and I was trusted to guide two new joiners. I enjoyed this new role a lot. Three days before my internship ended, my reporting manager told me that she wanted me back in the team in May. She said the entire team was impressed by my hard work, responsible nature and timeliness. It was a dream come true to land my first-ever job. And on my last day, I received my offer letter.

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