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  • Writer's pictureSushmita Dash


How will one know you’re brave unless you show

“I wouldn’t know, I wouldn’t know”

The roaring echoes grow

I don’t even know if I’m made for this show

Light too bright, makes me blind

I lose my mind, I lose my mind

Noises too loud, not so kind

I lose my mind, I lose my mind

Try, try, they cry

Step up, you won’t die

But only I know how high

Only I fall, break bones and die

I’m not cut out for this

But fear persists

Being a coward, it is

Alas, I succumb to this

To not get shred to bits

Up goes the stage again

Four ropes tied to the edges

Terrible trick, supreme being plays

Two ropes support now remain

Must stay still

Or I fall

I stand, watched by masses

Hear cheers and applauses

Brave, oh so brave I’m called

Showbiz makes me appalled

Cut the ropes!

You’re being controlled

Cut the ropes!

Fly freely in this world

Horned friend said no lie

I may fly

And never cry

Freedom of flying?

Ha! Fool, he’s lying

Falling may feel as flying

Until deep beneath you see,

Your cold body is lying

Halo bearer said no lie

Can’t cause mourns

Or the cries

Crowd awaits the show

I can’t fly

I can’t die

Being still

Is no way to live a life

What must I do? I don’t know

Asked the friends on shoulders if they know

“I wouldn’t know”, “I wouldn’t know”

Now I know, I’m not made for this show


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