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  • Writer's pictureSushmita Dash

My Goals And Ambitions In The PR Industry 

It has been 6 months since our journey at SCoRe started. Even though I had a mass communication background, SCoRe made me realise I had much more to learn. When I started the course I remember my only goal was getting a placement in a good company. And I do realise that sounds pathetic, but public relations wasn’t my first choice. I wanted to explore the world of scriptwriting and directing. However, I didn’t have the luxury of taking that risk and I made the conscious decision to choose something that would land me a well-paying job. 

As time progressed and I interacted with the people from this industry, my passion for this field began brewing. It was the art of creating powerful narratives that resonated with me the most because I love storytelling. I remember coming across a campaign called “This coke is a fanta, so what?”. I read about how they changed a derogatory comment towards the queer community into something perceived as rule-breaking, carefree, fun, and accepting phrase.It was not just a catchy tagline but a powerful statement that encouraged people to question preconceived notions and societal expectations. Since then, one of my goals has been to be part of an empowering campaign that delivers an impactful message which drives people to be more accepting of differences. 

The other goal is to excel in my role to the extent that I become synonymous with a brand in the minds of journalists shaping narratives. This involves more than just sending press releases. It's about cultivating genuine relationships, understanding journalists' needs, and consistently delivering valuable content. By positioning myself as a reliable source of information, I aspire to not only garner media coverage for brands but also to be a trusted collaborator in the storytelling process. I also aspire to be a professional whose expertise carries weight in meetings, contributing valuable insights that resonate. 

Leadership roles are not merely positions of authority; they are opportunities to guide, inspire, and influence positive change. As I tread the path of PR, my ultimate goal is to ascend to leadership positions where I can shape the direction of campaigns, mentor emerging talents, and contribute strategically to organizational success. Leadership in PR goes beyond managing teams; it's about envisioning the future of communication, staying ahead of industry trends, and steering the ship through the complexities of a dynamic media landscape. To prepare for this, I am committed to continuous learning, honing not only my PR skills but also developing the leadership qualities that inspire confidence and foster innovation.

My PR goals and aspirations are a roadmap, charting a course toward a future where the campaigns I craft touch the hearts of people, where journalists instinctively turn to me for insights, and where leadership roles become platforms for positive transformation. The journey is one of continuous growth, learning, and commitment. As I navigate the PR horizon, I am not merely pursuing success; I am crafting a legacy of impact, trust, and leadership in the public relations realm. 

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