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  • Writer's pictureSushmita Dash

My Experience With The Writing Lab

The Writing Lab was a rollercoaster for the class. Most of us believed we had aced writing, but after we received feedback, it was a harsh reality check. I think most of my classmates took that personally, and that's why they never approached Priyanca and Chaitanya. My experience on a personal level was quite different compared to my classmates. I liked TWL's teaching style. I have never had a professor who read every line of my write-ups and gave feedback. And I can't thank them enough for doing that. In the past, I was always praised for my writing, and that's why I never levelled up. But with the help of TWL, I understand what standard I should have.

However, it is challenging to detach yourself from your work. I have received good and bad reviews on my writing, but I know Priyanca appreciates my work. And that's why I never took those harsh reviews personally. I always gasp at the comments and then end up thinking to myself, "You know what, that makes sense". One way for TWL to connect with us more would have been by adding some positive reviews and highlighting our strengths. I have noticed that the bad reviews kill the motivation in class. I understand that TWL aims to evaluate the writing critically, but it's essential to consider the class's reactions and adjust the feedback accordingly to ensure its effectiveness. The only communication between the class and TWL is through blog reviews, so the entire perception about it depends on those few comments. People don't look forward to their grades because they know something negative is about to pop up. This can change if an effort is made to point out what one individual does right while pointing out flaws. I think that would put the students at ease to approach more.

Another suggestion would be to give a choice of topics. Whenever I got to choose a topic, it was easier for me. Sometimes, the assigned topic doesn't resonate with us and slows us down or we end up taking help from AI. The autonomy to choose can significantly increase the motivation to complete a blog on time.

Apart from these suggestions, I don't have any issues. I have troubled them more with late submissions, so I apologise for that habit. I always enjoyed Chaitanya and Priayanca's classes. You can ask anyone in class, I sometimes scream out of nowhere that I miss their classes. I am very thankful to Chaitanya for introducing me to George Orwell. After Animal Farm, I read 1984, and it's now one of my favourites. Also, I am very grateful that Priyanca checks up on me from time to time. She has been like a therapist during tough times. I wish the best to TWL, it was a memorable rollercoaster ride.

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