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  • Writer's pictureSushmita Dash

How music helped me

Music has played a very instrumental part in my life. When the world gets too loud or my mind won’t stop overthinking, my saviour becomes music. I plug in my earphones and suddenly the black-and-white world becomes colourful again. It can be for a few minutes, but those few minutes help me escape to a whole new world. 

After I moved to Mumbai, the sadness and loneliness refused to leave my soul and that is when music comforted me. Music can be medicine for your wounds too. I remember the time I was grieving the loss of my parents. I couldn’t hug and cry my heart out to a single person because I was locked in my room as I had covid. Salt streams would run down my ears as I used to stare at the ceiling and wait for the breathlessness and insurmountable grief to leave my body.  All I had to comfort my aching soul was music. I listened to the album called Folklore every single day and somehow it saved me from this painful experience. I don’t know how I survived those days, I only know it was music which held my hands through the dark. 

I spent around 80,000 minutes listening to music last year. Not only it greatly helps to elevate my mood but also helps me to focus more. I remember during our last writing class, I was sleep deprived and overstimulated. I couldn’t type a single line without erasing the whole sentence again and again. The typing sound and whispers were affecting my thought process and slowing me down. I immediately plugged in my earphones and caught the same pace as everyone else. I have always found music to increase my productivity. In fact, I do most of my work while listening to music. Even as I type this, I’m listening to Taylor Swift’s Ivy and pouring my heart out. 

I dread the days I forget my earphones back home. The world seems dimmer those days. And the days I have music, the world seems to slow down as I enjoy every second of life. This beautiful expression of storytelling sometimes expresses your feeling better than your words ever can. And the melodies, rhythm and lyrics can make us feel like the main characters in our lives even on days when we feel like a forgotten background character.


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